How do you configure a continuous integration pipeline using CircleCI for a Ruby on Rails project?

13 June 2024

In the contemporary world of software development, the implementation of Continuous Integration (CI) has become a fundamental practice. It allows teams to integrate changes and validate modifications in the code base quickly and regularly. This practice reduces the likelihood of encountering excruciating merge conflicts, bugs, and helps to deliver robust software more rapidly. As such, it is crucial to have an efficient CI platform to run the tests for your projects. Amongst the numerous providers available, CircleCI stands out for its simplicity and efficiency.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of configuring a Continuous Integration pipeline using CircleCI, particularly for a Ruby on Rails project. We will explain how to correctly set-up the CI environment, write the configuration files, and how to handle testing and deployment.

Setting Up Your Environment

Setting up a CircleCI environment for your Ruby on Rails project is, thankfully, a relatively straightforward process. This part of the article will guide you through the necessary steps to set up your CircleCI environment.

First things first, you need to have a GitHub or Bitbucket account since CircleCI uses these platforms for code storage. Upon logging into CircleCI, you have to select which code repository you want to build. For this, refer to the 'Projects' tab on the main dashboard. Find your Ruby on Rails project and click 'Set Up Project'.

The next step is to specify the language of the project. In our case, you would choose Ruby. You should then see an example config.yml file on the screen. This file is where you will define the instructions for your CI pipeline.

Configuring Your Build

The config.yml file is the heart of your CircleCI setup. It dictates what jobs are run and in what order. In this part of the article, we will guide you through creating and optimising your config.yml file.

The base of your config.yml file should specify the version of CircleCI you are using, your jobs, and a workflow that outlines when and how these jobs should run.

A job is a single task that CircleCI performs in your pipeline. A job is made up of several steps, which are commands that CircleCI runs in a job. For a Ruby on Rails project, you might have jobs such as bundle install, rails db:migrate, rails test, and so forth.

Your config.yml file should look something like this:

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.3-stretch-node
      - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2-alpine
      - checkout
      - run: bundle install
      - run: rails db:migrate
      - run: rails test

This configuration file sets up a simple pipeline with one job named build. This job runs in a Docker environment with two containers—the Ruby and Postgres images. The steps within the job checkout the code, install the necessary gems, migrate the database, and run the tests.

Running Your Tests

The next critical step you need to tackle is running your tests. Ensuring that your tests run correctly is vital for the validity of your pipeline. This section will guide you on how to run tests in your CircleCI setup.

The tests are run as a part of the job, as defined in the config.yml file. The example configuration file we provided above already includes a step for running the tests: - run: rails test.

This step instructs CircleCI to run the Rails tests on the checked-out code. If any of the tests fail, CircleCI will report this in the interface, and the pipeline will not proceed until the failing tests are fixed.

Deploying Your Application

The last part of your pipeline is usually deploying the application. This can be to any platform that your team uses. In this section, we will discuss deploying to Heroku, a popular platform for hosting Rails applications.

While it is possible to deploy directly from CircleCI to Heroku, it is recommended to use the Heroku GitHub integration. This integration enables automatic deploys from a GitHub repository to Heroku, which is very convenient and ensures your deployed code is always in sync with your repository.

To set this up, you first need to connect your GitHub and Heroku accounts. Then, in the deploy settings for your Heroku app, select 'GitHub' as the deployment method, and choose the repository and branch you want to deploy from.

Finally, you can enable automatic deploys. With this setup, every time you push to the selected branch on GitHub, a new build is triggered on CircleCI. If the build and tests are successful, the changes are automatically deployed to Heroku.

In conclusion, setting up a Continuous Integration pipeline for a Ruby on Rails project using CircleCI is a very straightforward process. It allows for faster integration and delivery of code changes, making software development more efficient and reliable. Remember, the key lies in correctly setting up the CircleCI environment, configuring your builds, running your tests, and deploying your application.

Enhancing Test Coverage and Handling Failing Tests

Getting your tests to run correctly is just the beginning. To fully harness the power of Continuous Integration, you must strive to enhance your test coverage. Test coverage refers to the percentage of your codebase that is covered by your tests. High test coverage ensures that most of your codebase is validated each time a change is made, thus minimizing the risk of bugs slipping through the cracks.

You can use a variety of tools to measure test coverage in a Ruby on Rails application. One such tool is SimpleCov. To use SimpleCov, add it to your Gemfile and bundle install. Then, require it at the very top of your test_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb file and start it using SimpleCov.start. Every time you run your test suite, SimpleCov will generate a report detailing your test coverage.

CircleCI provides a nice feature of integrating these test coverage reports in your builds. You can do this by adding a few lines to your config.yml file:

- run:
    name: Install SimpleCov
    command: gem install simplecov
- run:
    name: Generate test coverage report
    command: bundle exec rake test
- store_artifacts:
    path: coverage/index.html

Dealing with failing tests is another crucial aspect of configuring your CI pipeline. If a test fails, CircleCI will mark the build as failed, and you will be notified. It's generally a good practice to never ignore failing tests or mark them as pending. If a test is faulty or flaky, consider fixing it or deleting it if it's not useful.

Using Docker for Dependency Management

Another key aspect of setting up a robust CI pipeline is handling dependencies. One of the most common issues developers face when setting up CI is making sure the build environment matches their local and production environments. This is where Docker comes into play.

Docker allows you to package your application along with its environment. That means the Ruby version, Rails version, all gems specified in your Gemfile.lock, and even the OS are packaged into a Docker image. This Docker image is then used in your CI pipeline, ensuring that the pipeline runs in the same environment as your application.

To use Docker in your CircleCI pipeline, you'll need to create a Dockerfile in your project. This file specifies how to build the Docker image for your application. Here's a simple Dockerfile for a Ruby on Rails application:

FROM ruby:2.6.3
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y nodejs postgresql-client
WORKDIR /myapp
COPY Gemfile /myapp/Gemfile
COPY Gemfile.lock /myapp/Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install
COPY . /myapp

In this file, we're starting from a base Docker image with Ruby 2.6.3 installed. We update the system packages and install Node.js and PostgreSQL client (needed for Rails and the database). We then set the working directory to /myapp, copy over the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock, and run bundle install. Finally, we copy over the rest of our application.

You can then build your Docker image and run your tests within a Docker container:

version: 2.1
      - image: my_docker_image:latest
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker
      - run: docker build -t my_docker_image:latest .
      - run: docker run my_docker_image:latest bundle exec rake test

To sum up, setting up a continuous integration pipeline for a Ruby on Rails project using CircleCI not only involves writing the config.yml file or setting up the environment. It also requires enhancing the test coverage, handling failing tests, and managing dependencies using Docker. By following these guidelines, you can effectively enhance the robustness and reliability of your software development process. Remember, the magic of CI lies in the power of automation and early detection of issues, which leads to higher code quality and more satisfied users.